Sunday 23 January 2011

Vegetarian? - Where do you get your Protein?

by David Rothscum

The answer is simple: Your diet contains too much protein. Yep you heard that right, Vegetarians are getting enough protein, while you are getting too much protein. Specifically, too much animal protein.

Fact 1: Too much protein causes diabetes.


Intake of total, animal and plant protein and subsequent changes in weight or waist circumference in European men and women: the Diogenes project.

A high intake of protein was not found associated with lower weight or waist gain in this observational study. In contrast, protein from food items of animal origin, especially meat and poultry, seemed to be positively associated with long-term weight gain.

Fact 2: Protein, specifically animal protein, damages your kidneys:

The role of dietary protein in progressive renal disease.

More recent investigations have revealed that not only will a high protein intake exacerbate renal disease but a low protein intake will slow and/or prevent decline in renal function and the severity of renal histologic changes. These studies have provided the stimulus for investigations involving humans. Such studies suggest that patients with progressive renal disease of various causes, when placed on low-protein diets (0.6 g/kg/d), exhibit a slowing of the decline in renal function.

Fact 3: Eat protein, die young:

Low fat, low protein diet boosts longevity

Lowering the amount of protein and fat in the flies' diet helped increase lifespan by nearly 65%. "It accounts for nearly all of the effect," says Partridge. "It cannot just be calories." Eating less sugar increased longevity only by about 9%.

Vegetarians (and Vegans) get all the protein they need, from plants. Omnivores are getting a type of protein in their diet that is hurting their body. Animal protein is not beneficial to your health. But, this is not the full story. Vegetarians and ESPECIALLY VEGANS need to watch out for one thing: Vitamin B12 deficiency. You are at risk of it if you don't take the effort to take a vitamin B12 supplement daily. It's incredible cheap, and good for your health.

About half of all vegans are deficient:
Mean serum vitamin B12 was highest among omnivores (281, 95% CI: 270-292 pmol/l), intermediate among vegetarians (182, 95% CI: 175-189 pmol/l) and lowest among vegans (122, 95% CI: 117-127 pmol/l). In all, 52% of vegans, 7% of vegetarians and one omnivore were classified as vitamin B12 deficient (defined as serum vitamin B12 118
It's incredibly important. Especially women who want to become pregnant need to watch out for this. This goes for all women, vegans, vegetarians, and corpse-munchers. Make sure that you start taking a vitamin B12 supplement before trying to get pregnant. Vitamin B12 is involved in DNA methylation. Taking a vitamin B12 supplement is an incredibly important way to prevent birth defects. Also, vitamin B12 helps raise the amount of creatine your body produces, which is what your muscles use.

All vegans, don't take any risk with your health, take a vitamin B12 supplement. When you find out you have vitamin B12 deficiency, it's usually too late, start taking the supplement now. It's cliché, but I'm only telling you this because I love you.

I'm writing a massive article about health that should answer a lot of questions, but, for now, you will have to do with this.


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