Last year has been very interesting, and next year will be even more so...
Philip Brennan | PhilipBrennan.net | 31 December 2010:
I have to confess that I am not one for doing end-of-year editorials, but I feel that I must follow the trend, if only reasons of summarising the events over here of the past year. Most Patriot web sites, apart from a few like the UK Column, are centred around North America, so their end-of-year editorials will mostly concentrate on events of the past twelve months within the USA, Canada and Mexico. Hardly any of them will mention the United Kingdom, Europe, or elsewhere.
November of last year saw the first signs that we were about to get a coalition government whether we liked it or not. Papers like the Guardian and the Telegraph were already doing psychological operations pieces to that effect, so I immediately knew that the forthcoming General Election in May would be fixed to allow a coalition government to come into power - I just didn't know what kind of a coalition government. To be honest I thought that a coalition between Labour and the Liberal Democrats was the most likely scenario, not the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition that was finally decided upon by those who really control what happens in Parliament - Brussels. As Josef Stalin is reputed to have said:
"It is not who votes that matters, but who counts the votes."
The last General Election was a fix from the outset. Independent candidates were deliberately kept out of the hustings and the papers, psychological operations were run throughout the Main Stream Media to get everyone used to the idea of a coalition government nine months before the elections took place, people were turned away from polling stations because their entries on the electoral roll were deliberately tampered with so that they could not vote, and there was deliberately not enough polling staff available so that everyone could vote before the polls closed at 10pm, meaning that hundreds, if not thousands, of voters were turned away from the polls. The whole damn election was deliberately manipulated from start to finish.
Talking to a Dutch friend the other week was very interesting. He basically said that as soon as a nation signs up to the Lisbon Treaty they get a coalition government at their very next General Election, even if the country is not known for coalition governments. So now we know.
It could have only been worse if we had those damn Diebold voting machines...
Then we get onto the Communitarian European Union Dictatorship, and things do look very bad there. I am sure that my regular readership are well aware already of what I think about the European Union - for new readers the summary of "It's the Nazi Fourth Reich" should suffice to bring you up to speed.
I think you get the general picture...
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