Sunday 9 January 2011

Smart Grid Communi-City

...We can see clearly the elite's evolving vision if we can bring ourselves to look. ... Presumably, even one's breathing (carbon dioxide) might over time be subject to cataloguing. Yes, examine the Smart Grid promotion – a sub dominant theme of sorts – from a distance and it becomes a piece of the puzzle slotting neatly with others.

Of course, the evolving surveillance society has many aspects, including the growing global judicial order. Yet all is not well on this front either. Afghanistan and the taming of the stiff-necked Pashtuns was intended to extend the Anglosphere's global enforcement monopoly over the last patch of earth not dominated by reciprocal agreements and established CIA networks. But ten years later, things are still not resolved; in fact, the war is now threatening to destabilize Pakistan, which always has been a dubious Western partner.

It is not easy to build a full-fledged global empire. Unfortunately, setbacks are often not noted by an alternative electronic press that is more enamored with the might of the elite – and its Illuminati alter ego – than with the realities of the challenges. There is no doubt the Anglo-American axis wants to build an all-pervading surveillance state worldwide if it can. But we would argue the high-water mark for these plans was actually reached around the turn of the century.

As I continue these columns, I will try to offer "personal freedom" suggestions along the line of my departed friend Harry Browne in his famous book How to Live Free in an Unfree World. There is no doubt the struggle for the control of the world will continue. I am personally optimistic about its outcome. Elite plans have been exposed now for all the world to see. How is it possible to consummate a conspiracy that so many intelligent people already know about and anticipate?

What is likely to occur is a prolonged state of social and economic chaos – not necessarily violent, but certainly a reconfiguration of society similar to what occurred after the advent of the Gutenberg Press some 500 years ago. In such situations, one needs to tend to the viability of one's pocketbook and family options. In upcoming columns, I hope to suggest various solutions for purposes of economic privacy and quality-of-life.

The surveillance society is a growing reality, but that does not mean the elite will be able to finish what they have started. It may well find it has to take a step back – as we often observe. In the meantime, it is incumbent upon us to "live free" as best we can.


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