Wednesday 19 January 2011

Stuxnet: Another “Conspiracy Theory” Turns Out To Be True

Debunkers attacked claim that US and Israel were behind worm attack – now it’s admitted

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Despite numerous establishment blogs and websites at the time debunking the claim that Israel and the United States were behind the Stuxnet virus attack, that fact has now been admitted, leaving many with egg on their faces and proving once again that the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along.

After months of speculation, our original hypothesis that the US and Israel were responsible for the computer worm attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities was confirmed on Sunday.

US and Israeli intelligence services collaborated to develop a destructive computer worm to sabotage Iran’s efforts to make a nuclear bomb, The New York Times reported Sunday.

The newspaper quoted intelligence and military experts as saying Israel has tested the effectiveness of the Stuxnet computer worm, which apparently shut down a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges in November and helped delay its ability to make its first nuclear weapons.

Back in September, we wrote several articles in which we identified “Israel and the United States….as the prime suspects behind the Stuxnet worm attack,” following the revelation that the virus was “created by experts working for a country or a well-funded private group.”

While the US government and the compliant, castrated corporate media were dutifully regurgitating the claim that Russia or China were behind the attack, we pointed out that neither country had any motivation to launch an assault that primarily affected an Iranian nuclear campaign that both nations had largely supported.

Following our columns in late September pointing to the US and Israel as the culprits, a number of establishment websites and blogs put out hit pieces that attempted to debunk the notion that Stuxnet was a false flag.


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