Monday, 12 July 2010

Starve the Beast - July 15

Over 6 Billion of us are held captive through corporate dominance. We are only profit and loss numbers.

As we watch and wait for a solution, they transfer the wealth
and bill us for our own destruction.

We far outnumber those who oppress us, who control every continent and every country and greedily feast as they create our famine.

We must starve them.
We must withdraw support.

It is time to break through the illusion...

It is time to stop running from our lives and start living them...

It is time for Peaceful Global Non-Compliance

additional note: YouTube user in5d is in the process of creating a new website, (which will be the name of my next in5d upcoming YouTube video that I'm working on). The website would feature a "Boycott of the Week" Or "Boycott of the Month" target (e.g. BP products, Walmart, Shell, etc...) Right now, the few control the many. If the many can control the few, then THAT will ultimately bring REAL change.

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