Wednesday, 28 July 2010

CC 30

Beggar's Knoll, Nr Westbury,
Wiltshire. Reported 27th July.


I was just in the Beggar’s Knoll formation today July 27, the first day of its reported appearance. A few of us dashed over to search for it as soon as your notification came in.

There was little sign of previous visitors. Perhaps only one or two people had been there before us (there were 4 of us) and most of the formation had not been touched or walked upon. The lay was quite flat to the ground yet also ‘fluffy’ to step upon. Untouched wheat lay spread before my eyes - a welcomed sight after so many visitors in the formations this year have made such a sight a rare event! I hardly wanted to step on it!!

The perimeters were sharp and clean. Graceful curves in the wheat lay were a lovely feature with only one, possibly two swirled centres among them all. There were numerous segments of the design surrounded by undisturbed standing wheat with no tram line access. Hopefully round shots to come will show this still to be true.

The formation is on a sloping hill and incurs wind – possibly had been rained upon – yet it was all very smooth, if a bit weathered. I found some bent stalks though the crop was very mature and ready for harvest. Numerous crop samples were taken for an LNEAT test to be done later.

This formation is a beautiful example of skilled clean wheat lay that makes the experience of being among the first into it an extra special event on so many levels!

Shawn Randall

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