Saturday, 31 July 2010

the End of an Age

Ian is a veteran of a 20-year career in international oilfield services, which provided him with the opportunity to live and work in the Middle East (including during Gulf War One), mainland Europe and the USA. His experiences have led him to his current and highly influential work in exposing the many layers of global deception. Having chaired the British 9/11 Truth Campaign for two years, Ian moved on to his now ongoing programme of lecturing and set up the hugely successful 'Alternative View' truth conferences, which have played to packed audiences hungry for unfiltered information on the world around them. In 2009, Ian was presented with a special award by Scott Tips of the US National Health Federation for his unceasing work in helping to expose the worryingly restrictive intentions of the global food 'safety' body, Codex Alimentarius.
Ian remains hotly dedicated to continuing to expose the outrageous excesses of 'those who believe themselves to be the rightful rulers of a global fiefdom, ruling a planetary population of co-operative economic slaves'.

PRESENTATION: Exposing the Global Fiefdom
Ian presents a powerful and up-to-the-minute assessment of the now crucial battle for the hearts and minds of the human race, subject to endless misinformation and distraction from an elite seemingly intent on domination. Yet there are many signs that its plans are slipping, as an increasing number of people begin to realise what is going on and respond with a new awakening of true consciousness.

w e bsite Ian R Crane . couk, very soon!


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