cbd cannabis marijuana Project CBD

Just about a year ago, when I began my career in drug policy activism, I came across an opportunity to work with Project CBD.

Conceived by Martin Lee and Fred Gardener; Project CBD is a non-profit educational service dedicated to promoting and publicizing research into the medical utility of cannabidiol (CBD).

Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound that has been found to have enormous therapeutic potential to aid various conditions including: cancer, multiple sclerosis, PTSD, sleep disorders, anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, alcoholism, neurological disorders and more. CBD has a synergistic relationship with THC. Cannabidiol enhances THC’s painkilling impact, while muting THC’s psychoactivity. Users may be able to use CBD-rich strains without feeling “stoned”. Not everyone enjoys the THC high. Strains that have a higher CBD ratio may be an appealing option for those who want the medicinal benefits of cannabis without the daze.

In the past, some strains naturally had a high CBD content, but the market and breeders favored higher THC ratios. Now CBD is making a reintroduction into the grassroots supply. Project CBD is focused on bringing the latest news related to cannabidiol and other components of the cannabis plant to our readers.

Project CBD believes that the reintroduction of CBD-rich cannabis into the grassroots supply warrants special focus. We work to make sure that developments in cannabinoid science are reported, so that doctors and patients can be kept updated on the most recent research available. We also publicize data regarding patterns of CBD efficacy and report on greater aspects of the cannabis movement.
While CBD is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, we defend whole plant cannabis therapeutics. Project CBD refutes the slander that medicinal marijuana is “a front for stoners.”

While working with Project CBD, I have been able to meet and befriend medical cannabis users who get enormous relief of their symptoms from using CBD-rich strains. Clark French, a cannabis activist from the UK who works with CLEAR, uses cannabis to manage his multiple sclerosis. He believes that CBD-rich strains have given him the most pain relief. One afternoon he showed me just how much relief CBD gives him. He asked me to feel a muscle spasm in his upper back. Lightly pressing on the spot, I could clearly feel the tension in his back. Then he medicated with Harlequin (a CBD-rich strain) and in less than fifteen minutes he reported that the tension was gone. I confirmed this when I pressed the same spot afterwards.

In the beginning of my work with Project CBD, I knew relatively little about cannabidiol. Now I am better able to understand CBD and even able to feel the relief it gives others and myself. This has given me enormous hope for the future of conscious medicine. When I first focused my life goal to on changing society’s perspective on natural medicines, I was terrified. Everyday I work with Project CBD, my path becomes clearer and I am able to meet others who share my beliefs and experiences. Project CBD has become a huge part of my life and I want to share it with as many people as I possibly can. I encourage you to do the same, because you never know who CBD can help.

There are many people in this world who are suffering from conditions which cannabis, including CBD-rich medicine, can alleviate thereby giving them a better quality of life. I believe it is important to let them know that such a thing exists.

I have shared my experience, and we encourage others to share their experiences – positive and negative – with CBD-rich medicine. To find out more about our organization, become involved, or to take the CBD patient survey, visit our website at projectcbd.org. To keep up to date with the latest news about Project CBD, you may cruise our website, “like” us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Questions and comments are welcomed: info@projectcbd.org.

By Tracey Walters for Issue 12 of ISMOKE Magazine