Thursday, 30 June 2011

Whats Really Going on - The Song

Uploaded by on 21 Jun 2011

This is a song composed by 'Frequl' ( and includes some samples from teh 'Whats really going on' series of videos. ( and I have put it to some clips. I really like the music but I guess its all a matter of taste. Best listened to with headphones or a good sound system. I really enjoyed looking at the clips without hearing what is being said. It makes it easier to read the faces and feel their energy.

The link for the song is

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

A Peer-Reviewed Deception

Uploaded by on 25 Jun 2011

Deconstructing Anthropogenic Global Warming Alarmism


Expelled Soundtrack - Investigation
DJOllieJ - Medieval (
Brokenkites - Wood Between the Worlds (

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Things Begin to Groove

Uploaded by on 25 Jun 2011

"Things Begin To Groove" by LA's finest! Those who remember the old Dragnet (ha ha, color NOT black and white) might get a kick out of this. Just a little video I put together...

Monday, 27 June 2011

7 Surprising things you should know about the Sun and sunscreen

Mike Adams
Natural News

Ask somebody about sunscreen and you're likely to receive an earful of disinformation from a person who has been repeatedly misinformed by health authorities and the mainstream media. Almost nothing you hear about sunscreen from traditional media channels is accurate. So here's a quick guide to the 7 most important things you need to know about sunscreen, sunlight and vitamin D:

#1) The FDA refuses to allow natural sunscreen ingredients to be used in sunblock / sunscreen products

It's true: If you create a truly natural sunscreen product using exotic botanicals with powerful sunscreen properties, you will never be able to market it as a "sunscreen" product. That's because the FDA decides what can be used as sunscreen and what can't, regardless of what really works in the real world. And there are really only two natural ingredients the FDA has allowed to be sold as sunscreen: Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Any other non-chemical sunscreen ingredients, if sold as "sunscreen," would be considered mislabeled by the FDA and result in your products being confiscated... even if they offer fantastic sunscreen protection!

Not surprisingly, this whole monopoly over sunscreen chemicals is designed to protect the profits of the chemical companies while marginalizing the natural product companies which could easily formulate far better solutions. I have personally spoken to the founders of several health product companies who have figured out amazing sunscreen formulations using nothing but natural botanicals, but the FDA won't let them market their products as sunscreen products!

It's just another example of the FDA standing in the way of health innovation.

#2) Nearly all conventional sunscreen products contain cancer-causing chemicals

Read the ingredients list of any sunscreen product sold at Wal-Mart, or Walgreens, or any other mainstream store. I dare ya!

You will not be able to pronounce most of the chemicals found in the ingredients list. That's because most sunscreen products are formulated with cancer-causing fragrance chemicals, parabens, harsh alcohols, toxic chemical solvents and petroleum oils. A typical sunscreen product is actuallya chemical assault on your body. That's why research shows that using sunscreen actually causes more cancer than it prevents (

#3) In a nation where over 70% of the population is vitamin D deficiency, sunscreen actually blocks vitamin D production

Vitamin D deficiency is perhaps the most widespread vitamin deficiency in North America. According to the research, 70 percent of whites are deficient in vitamin D, and up to 97 percent of blacksare deficient (

Chronic vitamin D deficiency promotes cancer (, winter flu and infections, depression, osteoporosis and hormonal imbalances. Depending on whom you believe, vitamin D alone can prevent anywhere from 50% to nearly 80% of all cancers (

By blocking vitamin D production in the skin, sunscreen products actually contribute to cancer-promoting nutritional deficiencies.

This doesn't mean you should never wear a sunscreen product, of course. If your skin is really pale and you're planning a day on the beach in Hawaii, you will obviously benefit from some level of sun protection using a truly natural sunscreen product. But an informed health-conscious person would try to allow their skin to achieve a natural, healthy tan (yes, a tan truly is healthy if it's combined with good nutrition, see below) through sensible exposure levels that activate vitamin D production in the skin.

#4) You can boost your internal sun resistance by changing what you eat

Here's the real secret about sun exposure that no one in conventional medicine is talking about (because, as usual, they are woefully ignorant about nutrition): You can boost your internal sunscreenby eating antioxidant-rich foods and superfoods.

The supplement astaxanthin, for example, is very well known for boosting your skin's natural resistance to sunburn. Its fat-soluble carotenoids are actually transported to skin cells where they protect those cells from UV exposure.

The more natural antioxidants you have in your diet, the more sunlight your skin will be able to handle without burning. Nearly everyone mistakenly believes that a person's sunlight burn response is purely a genetic factor. They're wrong. You can radically improve your resistance to UV exposure through radical dietary changes.

I'm a great example of this, actually, as I used to burn in just 20 - 30 minutes of sunlight when I was on a junk food diet years ago. But now, as someone who eats superfoods and high-end nutritional supplements every day, I can spend hours in the sun and will only turn slightly red (which fades a few hours later and does not result in a burn or skin peeling).

Except for one time on an all-day visit to a water park, I have not worn sunscreen in over 8 years. I spend a large amount of time in the sun, and I have absolutely no concerns whatsoever about skin cancer. My skin, most people tell me, looks significantly younger than my biological age. That's not from sunscreen; it's from nutrition. Sun exposure does not make your skin "age" if you follow a high-nutritional density diet.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

PS - Why Prescription Ecstasy or LSD Could Happen Much Sooner Than You Think

Let's say an abuse-ridden childhood has left you with PTSD that sparks panic whenever you hear shouts, even on TV. Or let's say a bad accident has saddled you with crippling anxiety and chronic pain. Now let's say that you could ease -- or even cure -- these woes with prescription psiloscybin. Prescription ecstasy. Prescription LSD.

If a growing phalanx of scientists get their way, those prescriptions could be yours within 10 years. Research into the medical benefits of psychedelic drugs is booming. An April conference on the subject at Great Britain's University of Kent featured lectures on such topics as "Ketamine Psychotherapy" and "Ayahuasca in the Contemporary World."

Leading this wave is the Boston-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), whose executive director Rick Doblin spoke at that conference. MAPS researchers have spent 15 years conducting international clinical trials whose results indicate that LSD and psilocybin counteract depression and anxiety and are effective pain-management tools while MDMA (ecstasy) conquers fear. Just this month, the Israeli Ministry of Health approved a new MAPS study using MDMA to treat PTSD.

"Time is on our side," Doblin says. "The world is full of aging baby boomers who are looking forward to psychedelic retirement and psychedelic hospice.

"They had psychedelic experiences in their youth that were useful to them. They gave up the drugs for family and career. Now they're thinking back to those valuable experiences and they want to get re-engaged."

But this isn't about ex-hippies seeking free highs. Rather, it's about mainstreaming these drugs, which MAPS does "by focusing on medical uses, which in our culture is the most likely way to create new legal contexts, because there is a love affair with medicine in this culture. There's a constant interest in whatever's the latest from the scientific lab."

It's not about money. Costing nearly nothing to manufacture, "these aren't the kind of drugs that you need to take every day for the rest of your life." Instead, it's about using cutting-edge technology to prove what millions around the world have been saying for thousands of years: This stuff gets to your head.

As a teenager in the early 1970s, Doblin first learned that psychedelics were being used to enhance art, spirituality and psychology.

"Then it all got shut down."

Those damn hippie freaks.

"People using psychedelics had accidents and did stupid things and ended up dying or going nuts. A bunch of famous people had extremely idealistic views that weren't particularly practical and weren't particularly patient. Timothy Leary and his ilk were making exaggerated claims, saying that if you do psychedelics you're more enlightened than others; if you do psychedelics you're better than others. One of that era's biggest mistakes was Leary saying turn on, tune in, drop out."

Richard Nixon called Timothy Leary the most dangerous man in America. Hello, backlash. Hello, War on Drugs.

"The government came out with its own exaggerated claims, saying that if you took these drugs you'd have deformed babies and brain-cell death. We now know that it isn't true, but back then it launched this huge cultural clash. You might say society had a really bad trip."

Research to the rescue. High-tech brain scans reveal that psilocybin inhibits blood flow in parts of the brain that regulate sensory input. Less blood flow means less regulation. Flooded with perceptions, a psilocybinized brain can help PTSD patients reprogram their fears, Doblin says. New tools also provide new insight into LSD's ego-dissolving "catharsis effect." And the ecstasy chemistry: MDMA reduces blood flow in the fear-processing amygdala while increasing blood flow in the prefrontal cortex, which facilitates our ability to put things into context.

"With MDMA, the fear circuitry is reduced," Doblin explains. This helps PTSD patients remember and re-examine long-buried aspects of their traumas. Aided by MDMA, "these memories don't immediately go straight to fear." Say you were traumatized by a bat-wielding, red-hatted assailant. Under MDMA, "the neural pathways connecting bats, red hats and fear are not so strong." Recontextualized in an MDMA-activated prefrontal cortex, triggers lose their power -- sometimes forever, he says.

"Under the influence of MDMA, people can make emotional changes that persist after the MDMA is out of their systems." On MDMA, "you operate on this much smoother level, and then you lose it -- but not all of it. You get so much material from that experience, which you can learn to integrate."


Friday, 24 June 2011

Fish Hat Pope - Lawful Rebellion

Uploaded by song by

i came into this town, expecting many things things
i listened to the gossip in the square
we don't get no say in matters, that affect ourselves
the people we elect just circumvent us
it don't matter who we vote for, illusionary hope
and change that isn't usually for the better
i got up of the floor, and climbed up to the high ground
and proudly i exclaimed unto the world

open your eyes, stop believing their lies
we need a LAWFUL!!!
stop being sheep, vote with your feet
we need a LAWFUL!!!

lawful rebellion...

i'm not saying i'm your leader, that's the last thing that i want
i don't want you to confuse me with a preacher
but i'm saying what you think, that the world's a total stink
i'll show you the real bad guys, let me teach ya?
cos when they're in the shit, when you're close to seeing all of it
out the dusty closet comes NICK GRIFFIN
but they've never been in power, only torches and a flower
oh sorry, ones a TREE now, my mistake


and now you know the truth, you've been given all the proof
what you choose to do is your discretion
but i can't do this alone, and i'm not willing to condone
the actions of the bloodlines that control us
so i'm spreading you this word, and i'm hoping that you've heard
be prepared to do something about it
stick your head out of the window, scream to the people below

open your eyes, stop believing their lies
we need a LAWFUL!!!
stop being sheep, vote with your feet
we need a LAWFUL!!!
don't give an inch, do a PETER FINCH
we need a LAWFUL!!!
they're spraying the skies, every day and night
we need a LAWFUL!!!
aspartame drinks, fluoride in the sinks
we need a LAWFUL!!!
lisbon treaty, don't need a vote from me!?
we need a LAWFUL!!!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Lindy: "No Knock Raid" - a song about the drug war's deadliest tactic.

Uploaded by on 16 Jun 2011

Note: This video contains graphic images of violence and mature language. Viewer discretion is advised.

"No Knock Raid," written and performed by Toronto-based musician Lindy, is a searing indictment of one of the most aggressive, ubiquitous, and mistaken tactics in the War on Drugs.

Consider only the most recent raid to cause a national outrage: On May 5, 2011, 26-year-old Jose Guerena, who survived two tours in the Iraq War, was shot and killed during a raid on his house by a Pima County, Arizona SWAT team that fired dozens of bullets through his front door. Guerena, married and a father of two, had just finished a 12-hour shift at a local mine. Law enforcement sources claim he was involved in narco-trafficking but have yet to produce any evidence supporting that claim. Officers involved in the death have been cleared of wrongdoing.

Guerena's death is not an isolated incident. As USA Today reports, an astonishing 70,000 to 80,000 militarized police raids take place on a annual basis in America, many of them on mistaken suspects and many of them ending with injury or death for police and citizens alike.

As Reason Contributing Editor Radley Balko and others have documented, the militarization of standard police practice is a direct consequence of the modern-day War on Drugs, started 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon - and perpetuated by every administration since. (For a comprehensive report on the failure of the drug war to achieve any of its stated goals, read "Ending the Drug War: A Dream Deferred," by Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.)

For supporting links to all stats cited above, longer clips of raid footage, and more, go to

"No Knock Raid" written and performed by Lindy.

Produced and directed by Hawk Jensen.

Performance footage directed by Victor Tavares and Zachary Koski

About 4.50 minutes.

Go to for downloadable versions of the video and mp3 and subscribe to's YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Onyx Ashanti: This is beatjazz

Uploaded by on 17 Jun 2011 Musician and inventor Onyx Ashanti demonstrates "beatjazz" -- his music created with two handheld controllers, an iPhone and a mouthpiece, and played with the entire body. At TED's Full Spectrum Auditions, after locking in his beats and loops, he plays a 3-minute song that shares his vision for the future of music.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The Queen and President Obama Drunk in Ireland

Uploaded by on 25 May 2011

The Queen and President Obama Drunk on their trips to Ireland.

Brian Haw Tribute Jan 7th 1949 - June 18th 2011- A Real Man, A Real Legend

Uploaded by on 19 Jun 2011

Brian Haw : Jan 7th 1949 - June 18th 2011 A Real Man
A Minority Of One.....
Love, Peace And Justice For All.....

Your life and your work will not be in vain, you have inspired so many of us including myself, I just wish I had the courage to have stood beside you on those cold lonely nights, but I all did was think about coming down to see you, and never actually got off my lazy arse .....all I did was fight from an armchair, so sorry I was not a real man....There are not enough real men left in the world, but you were one of the few .....God bless you Brian and my deepest heartfelt love goes to you and your family........ Thank you for being just you.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Magic mushroom’s positive effects lasting over a year, say researchers

Scientists at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine claim to have determined the proper dose levels needed to create positive changes in attitudes, mood, life satisfaction, and behavior that persist for more than a year with the psychoactive substance in so-called "magic mushrooms."

The findings are the latest in a series of experiments done at Johns Hopkins to investigate psilocybin, a psychedelic substance contained in certain mushrooms. The findings were published online this week in the peer-reviewed journal Psychopharmacology.

“In cultures before ours, the spiritual guide or healer had to discern how much of what type of mushroom to use for what purposes, because the strength of psychoactive mushrooms varies from species to species and even from specimen to specimen," said Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the study's lead scientist.

"In our laboratory, weʼre working with the pure chemical psilocybin, which we can measure out precisely," he added. "We wanted to take a methodical look at how its effects change with dosage. We seem to have found levels of the substance and particular conditions for its use that give a high probability of a profound and beneficial experience, a low enough probability of psychological struggle, and very little risk of any actual harm."

The researchers said 94 percent of the study's 18 participants rated their experiences with psilocybin as among the top five most or as the top most spiritually significant experience of his or her life at a 14-month follow-up. Eighty-four percent also reported positive changes in their behaviors, changes like improved relationships with family and others, increased physical and psychological self-care, and increased devotion to spiritual practice, which were corroborated by family members and others.

"I feel that I relate better in my marriage," one participant reported. "There is more empathy – a greater understanding of people and understanding their difficulties and less judgment."

The participants, ages 29 to 62, were screened to include only those who were deemed psychologically and physically healthy. Each participant received five closely-monitored, eight-hour psilocybin sessions a month apart. Each session had a different dose of psilocybin, with one session using a placebo, and was "blind," meaning neither the participants, the monitors, nor the scientists knew how much psilocybin - if any - had been given during any session.

At higher doses of psilocybin, nearly a third of the participants experienced great fear or had delusions, but with gentle guidance from researchers, those reactions did not outlast the psilocybin session or harm the participants. Those who received lower doses of the psychedelic before the higher doses were the most likely to have long-lasting positive changes in attitudes and behavior.

Potential psychotherapeutic value of 'magic mushrooms'

"The Hopkins psilocybin studies clearly demonstrate that this route to the mystical is not to be walked alone," Jerome Jaffe, M.D., who served as the first White House "Drug Czar," commented. "But they have also demonstrated significant and lasting benefits."

"That raises two questions: Could psilocybin-occasioned experiences prove therapeutically useful, for example in dealing with the psychological distress experienced by some terminal patients? And should properly-informed citizens, not in distress, be allowed to receive psilocybin for its possible spiritual benefits, as we now allow them to pursue other possibly risky activities such as cosmetic surgery and mountain-climbing?"

A similar study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry in January found psilocybin can safely improve the moods of patients with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety.

The study was headed by Dr. Charles S. Grob, a professor of psychiatry at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and found a significant improvement of mood and a reduction in symptoms of anxiety up to six months after receiving psilocybin-assisted therapy.

"We are working with a patient population that often does not respond well to conventional treatments," said Grob. "Following their treatments with psilocybin, the patients and their families reported benefit from the use of this hallucinogen in reducing their anxiety. This study shows psilocybin can be administered safely, and that further investigation of hallucinogens should be pursued to determine their potential benefits."

Although some may be concerned that a relatively unstudied and illegal substance such as psilocybin could pose health risks, a study published in the Psychopharmacology in 2004 found there is "no cause for concern that [psilocybin] is hazardous with respect to somatic health" in healthy adults.

The only physiological side-effects the study found was a brief increase in blood pressure and a small increase in levels of thyroid-stimulating-hormone (TSH), prolactin, cortisol, and adrenocorticotropic hormone. None of these side-effects were considered dangerous to healthy adults.

"Typically, the experiences after [medium and high doses of psilocybin] were rated positive, with retrospective statements ranging from ‘pleasurable’ to ‘ineffably beautiful,’ " according to the study. One volunteer had a fearful experience after being given a high dose of psilocybin, but his anxiety was resolved without the need for pharmacological intervention.

"We know that psilocybin is remarkably non-toxic to the bodyʼs organ systems," Matthew Johnson, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins and lead author of an earlier Hopkins paper on hallucinogen safety remarked. "But there are indirect risks: if someone experiences high anxiety, fear, or paranoia during a psilocybin session, itʼs not hard to imagine them behaving in ways harmful to themselves or others."

"These risks appear to be minimized when volunteers develop a trusting relationship with a skilled monitor, who remains present with them for the duration of the substanceʼs primary effects, and who is available afterwards for consultation."

Saturday, 18 June 2011


Uploaded by on 14 Jun 2011
Become a member and join us as we initiate a movement for real change.

"The Plan" 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.

PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.

*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.

*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc... spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.

*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.

*ANON hackers - begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of "The Plan".

The resistance is here.
Expect us.

Friday, 17 June 2011

The Science Rap! by Ali G

Uploaded by on 13 Jun 2011

Ali G raps about science. mp3:

Original video:


What is it all about
What is that all about
Is it good or is it whack
What is it all about

There's a bloak from round my hood
Who reject everyfin to do with science
He just chill at home, smoke his own home grown
And check this - he don't have a tele

He lives in a house though
And that house is a product of technology
No he aint got no technology in it
You can check out his website

Has computers made our lives better
Will computers ever be able to work out what
multiplied by
The answer's yes
You don't know what I was gonna say
10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Speak to the hand cause the face aint listenin yo

Thursday, 16 June 2011


Uploaded by on 13 Jun 2011

Release date: 21st June 2011

'they create problems - start and centralize the engine
the perfect option -- compartmentalize the tension
action -- predicted, conflict -- predicted
reaction -- restricted, convict -- depicted'

please excuse the spelling mistakes in the video :)
that's what happens sometimes when making videos late at night...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Shopping Addiction - part 1

Uploaded by on 12 Jun 2011

we take to the streets of Camden, attempting to help poeple with their shopping addiction

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

BRITAIN’S BIGGEST ISSUE: Judges sanction Social Services snatching children with Superinjunctions

The Independent published The Untold Story of Gagging Orders on 25 May 2011: while 69 injunctions refer to celebrities, 264 concern children and young adults, generally to “protect” their interests. In reality, these ‘injunction orders’ or ‘reporting restriction orders’ are used to protect the perpetrators who hand over children to their abusive parent or put them in foster care as a precursor for ‘forced adoptions’.

Forced Adoptions is the website by former Local Councillor Ian Josephs who has a law degree from Oxford University and runs language schools in Monaco. He has been helping families since the 60s, on average 3 a day since then. He often refunds parents’ “travel expenses” so that pregnant mothers can escape to Ireland to avoid their babies being snatched by Local Councils.

Vicky Haigh escaped to Ireland to protect “Unborn Haigh” from Nottinghamshire Council, after her 7-year-old daughter was placed with a paedophile under a “care order” by Doncaster Council.

Similarly, Miss A’s Story is the account of a woman who fled to Canada but whose father was bullied into giving them up. He has spent close to a million pounds on legal fees without getting his grandchild back.

UK Social Services was set up by a couple that fled to Ireland to prevent their child from being taken by Fife Social Services. It spells out the policy that led to Britain’s Biggest Issue: Tony Blair’s New Labour handed police state powers to social workers and set adoption targets which included cash rewards to local councils.

In January 2008 the Telegraph published: Labour’s adoption targets to be scrapped and in April 2008: Cash prize for council that hit adoption targets as part of its Stop the Secrecy campaign.

In 2011 superinjunctions have become topical thanks to John Hemming MP who removed the gag on Vicky Haigh and Doncaster Council on 26 April. Since then, the emphasis is on celebrities rather than local councils, snatched and abused children, paedophile fathers or dreadful miscarriages of justice. Hence neither Advocates of the Rule of Law in the Public Interest, nor the general public tolerate the continuation of this trend:

Elizabeth Watson who put the Chronology of Vicky Haigh’s case(PDF) together for Doncaster Police was subjected to a ‘renewed order’ on 9th May and has to ‘show good reason for not being committed to prison’ in open court on July 12/13.

Sabine K McNeill who attended court on 9th May as McKenzie Friend of Vicky Haigh and Elizabeth Watson published a Stop the Secrecy petition on 13 May 2011 and attracted nearly 400 signatures and over 2,600 page views in less than a month.
On 29th May Sabine McNeill sent this letter to Mr Justice Baker and Doncaster Council.

On 4 June 2011 a Rally Against Child Abuse was held again on Trafalgar Square, this year with video recordings of key speakers.

While none of these activities are funded, it is hoped that the passion that fuels bloggers, Twitter and Facebook will contribute to making a difference – to Britain’s Biggest Issue.

  1. The UK is the ONLY State in the world that gags parents whose children have been taken by Social Services.
  2. The UK is the only State in Europe (except Croatia and possibly Portugal) to permit the horror of "forced adoptions".
  3. The UK is the only State in Europe to allow "punishment without crime" i.e. the taking of children from parents who have not committed any criminal offence.
  4. The UK is the only State in Europe taking children for "emotional abuse" and worse still for the possible "risk of emotional abuse" on the basis of predictions from “professionals” that one day parents just might harm their children.
This disgrace to a Parliamentary Democracy and freedom could be instantly rectified by Parliamentary legislation to make the above practices illegal.

For further information, please email

Lunar Eclipse - 15 June

Wednesday's total eclipse of the Moon may be the most striking for years but observers in Britain must be content with a view of only the closing act of the drama. The Moon stands over the southern Indian Ocean as it passes through the central dark umbra of the Earth's shadow, plunging deeper into the shadow than during any eclipse since 2000. This may well result in an unusually dark eclipse, with the Moon's disc turning a deep reddish-brown as all direct sunlight is blocked.

In fact, the umbra is never black. A little light must reach the Moon from the parts of the Sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, that are not hidden by the Earth. But more sunlight is refracted and scattered around the edge of the Earth by our planet's atmosphere. Just as sunsets and sunrises appear orange or red, so this light is predominantly red.

The umbra is not illuminated evenly, though, since less of this indirect light penetrates to its core and the amount reaching different zones of the umbra is affected by varying atmospheric conditions. In particular, dust thrown up by major volcanic eruptions can render the atmosphere less transparent and the eclipsed Moon so dark that it practically disappears.

Our image shows the previous total lunar eclipse as viewed from Florida last December. On that occasion, the Moon traversed the northern part of the umbra and its southern regions, which just missed the shadow's core, are relatively dark. This week, the Moon passes about a half Moon's-breadth farther southwards with respect to the shadow, so it will be interesting to discover just how dark and colourful it appears.

Wednesday's eclipse begins when the Moon's eastern limb begins to enter the penumbra of the Earth's shadow at 18:25 BST. While within the penumbra, some direct sunlight falls on the Moon but little darkening of the disc will be noticed until a few minutes before the Moon begins to enter the umbra at 19:23. Totality, with the Moon entirely within the umbra, lasts from 20:22 until 22:03 with mid eclipse at 21:13. The Moon's W limb has withdrawn from the umbra by 23:02 and finally exits the penumbra at 00:01.

For Britain, other than the far NW, the Moon rises in the SE during the latter half of totality. Observers in SE England may just glimpse the end of totality, but most of us may see nothing until it begins to emerge from the umbra. From London and Manchester, for example, the Moon stands less than 5° and 3° high respectively at 22:03 BST, with the Sun only a little way below the NW horizon and the sky brightly twilit. The Moon should be more obvious another 5° higher in a darker sky by 23:02

Monday, 13 June 2011

I.M.F. Reports Cyberattack Led to ‘Very Major Breach’

Editor's Note: Is "The Resistance" actually gutting the enemy or is it a false flag to push the cyber-security agenda? Or a little of both?

Image source
David Sanger and John Markoff
New York Times

WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund, still struggling to find a new leader after the arrest of its managing director last month in New York, was hit recently by what computer experts describe as a large and sophisticated cyberattack whose dimensions are still unknown.

The fund, which manages financial crises around the world and is the repository of highly confidential information about the fiscal condition of many nations, told its staff and its board of directors about the attack on Wednesday. But it did not make a public announcement.

Several senior officials with knowledge of the attack said it was both sophisticated and serious. “This was a very major breach,” said one official, who said that it had occurred over the last several months, even before Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French politician who ran the fund, was arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a chamber maid in a New York hotel.

Read Full Article

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Bilderbergers, the Heat is ON!

Uploaded by on 11 Jun 2011

Video credit Stefan Hans Bauer

Astounding footage has emerged of top Bilderberg members being confronted by protesters as they walked on foot down the mountain road towards the Suvretta Hotel. Bilderberg attendees rarely ever venture outside of hotel grounds which is why this represents such a shocking development.

Bilderbergers seen in the video clip include Peter Mandelson, Google founder Eric Schmidt, Peer Steinbrück, Franco Bernabe, Jacob Wallenberg, and Thomas Enders.

In one of the scenes, a protester explains how he had a conversation with a Bilderberg member who arrogantly told him that Bilderberg were busy "setting their agenda" and that demonstrators shouldn't bother them.

Bilderberger Thomas Enders tells one protester, "don't worry about it," when he complains about Bilderberg's undemocratic foundation.

What Will Collapse First, Bitcoin or the Dollar?

Silver Shield
Don't Tread On Me

I have been inundated with all of this talk about Bitcoin. I first stumbled upon it a few months ago and made a snap judgement that is smells like BS and looked no further into it. Now that I have been asked by multiple sources to either endorse it or ask my opinion on it, I looked into it further. What I found makes me believe this is another Elite concoction designed to fool people.

When Wikileaks first came on the scene, I immediately fell for it hook, line and sinker. In theory it sounded awesome. Secretive hackers created a site that allow secrets to be revealed while keeping the whistle blower’s identity safe. It had a multilayer protection that would prevent it from being shut down. It even had a cool James Bond character in Julian Assange, that made the story so intriguing. The longer the story played out, the more I became concerned that this was an elaborate scam. (Read: Beware of Patriot Pied Pipers) After a while, my suspicions we confirmed. (Read: Wikileaks: CoIntelPro PsyOp) Now that I look into Bitcoin, the same suspicions arise again. It has all of the elements of a great freedom idea. It has decentralization, open source, peer to peer, privacy, and debt free money. The more I look into it, the more it reeks like a high level scam. In this hour long YouTube video there is an interview with two leaders of Bitcoin, Gavin Andresen and Amir Taaki.

The idea of Bitcoin is it that is a currency that can be traded peer to peer without any outside (government) interference. These digital coins are traded and stored on your computer. Bticoins started in 2009 when people “mined” these Bitcoins on their computer by downloading this software and allowing your computer to run for days on an algorithm to “create” these Bitcoins. This program is designed to make the coins rare and therefore have some value. There will only be 21 million Bitcoins in existence ever, right now there are 6 million coins mined. The more coins that are in existence the harder it will be to “mine” these coins.

The only thing that gives these Bitcoins value is perception. If people are willing to work for Bitcoins and they think that they are rare, they will have some value. The more that it is accepted and the more that people are aware of it, the more they will be worth. Gavin Andersen makes the case that Bitcoins are sort of like gold because they rare and therefore has some value. Bitcoin serves the three main functions of money, a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value. To be honest, anything can serve as money, so this is not that big of a deal. The real factor is if this money has any intrinsic value. I constantly rail against the dollar as becoming worthless, but the dollar is worth much more than Bitcoin will ever be. The dollar has the power of the government behind it and is accepted worldwide. The problem for the dollar is that it is reaching its climax and there are way too many excesses that will collapse the system.

In order for you to “mine” these Bitcoins you need to download this software that has to run the computer full blast for 5 to 10 years to generate any Bitcoins. It will actually use more electricity than the actual coins are worth, besides slowing down your computer. The added joy of this program, is that the more people that are trying to “mine” Bitcoins, the harder it is to “mine” them. Right off the bat, the average owner of a laptop or home PC will NEVER “mine” any Bitcoins. I believe that this was done more as a psych experiment. The average person thinks that these coins have value because they cannot make them easily or fooling them into thinking that the playing field is level.


Saturday, 11 June 2011

MR? - demos

Pink demos by the Original Pinks

...hey pinksters, here's a demo sampler from the soon to be released new album...

...basic tracks recorded at SheppardSoundStudios and produced at the Pink Shed...

...find us at

Bill Hicks by Provenza, Hanks, Linklater, Weide, Olberman

Uploaded by on 10 Jun 2011

Paul Provenza, Colin Hanks, Richard Linklater, Bob Weide and Keith Olberman talk about Bill Hicks and 'American'

Friday, 10 June 2011

Essential Cannabis Hemp Oil Making Tutorial Using Safe Countertop Distiller & FROZEN Alcohol

Uploaded by on 4 Jun 2011

This excellent and safe step-by-step tutorial shows you how to make essential cannabis oil (hemp oil) with a distillation device that reclaims alcohol solvent; thus minimizing risk of explosion or fire. Please use common sense and plenty of fresh air flow. Follow directions to the letter if you want the same results. Strong indica female cannabis buds should produce about 60 grams of oil from approximately 1 pound of dry cannabis buds; this oil can be applied directly to the skin for skin cancer or lesions, vaporized for lung conditions like asthma/COPD/lung cancers, or most popularly ingested for internal illnesses like cancer, diabetes, Crohn's, chronic pain, insomnia, warts, abnormal or changing moles, cysts... the list goes on and on and on...

For more information on hemp oil and the healing power of truth, please visit for full dosage instructions and precautions... and make the medicine! Your life is in YOUR hands now.

Studies show repeatedly that THC combined with CBD give the most effective cannabinoid treatment against aggressive cancers. Buds and popcorn buds are best. Scientists and chemists who work with this product suggest avoiding leaf, stem, and "shake" if you want quality medicine. Lower quality cannabinoids that are commonly found lower on the plant than the bud itself will not effectively cure cancers or other illnesses like the cannabinoids on the buds (female cannabis flowers). If your time or the time of a loved one is hanging in the balance, you have no time to waste.


Please see other videos on this channel for more information on the healing power of cannabis, and be sure to watch RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story... the man who rediscovered hemp oil and shared it with the world.

Video Credit: David Triplett

Thursday, 9 June 2011

No Contract – Return to Sender: Let’s Give Austerity to RTE and the BBC! It’s Called LAWFUL REBELLION!

By Neil Foster – The Sovereign Independent –

I don’t know about you but, as far as state sponsored television is concerned, I’m very much in the ‘what a waste of taxpayer’s money’ camp.

In the UK we have the BBC which is a worldwide propaganda machine being well oiled by gullible taxpayers who are blissfully unaware that they’re being fed a constant diet of propaganda via soaps, documentaries and so called ‘news’ PROGRAMS. The only thing you don’t get on the BBC is mindless adverts for junk you can’t afford unless it’s their own ads for their own junk products of course.

RTE in Ireland differs in that you get the mindless adverts for junk you can’t afford as well as the propaganda.

However, the real issue here is that we all pay what is called a TV License to the government to hand over to the respective broadcasters to fill our screens with their PROGRAMS; the government AUTHORISED PROGRAMS.

If you’re happy with that then the brainwashing has done its job on you; if not then keep reading.

Communications Minister, Pat Rabbitte of the Labour Party in Ireland has suggested that RTE has to cut costs through wage cuts. Yep, wage cuts being advocated by a party who supposedly support the poor advocating wage cuts for ordinary working people who are already suffering close to destitution through massive, already imposed tax hikes and other large tax grabs still to come including a housing charge and water charges in the wettest country in Europe… Funny huh?

These wage cuts will only apply to the lower end of the wage slave totem pole and will not apply to the ‘stars’ who all enjoy 6 figure salaries to push government propaganda directly into your living room and implant it in your mind.

How about RTE gets rid of those to start with and leave the workers alone to scrape by on what they have?

Anyway… getting back to the real reason for this article.

There is no law which can force you to pay a TV License to RTE or the BBC!


The TV License is a CONTRACT.

CONTRACTS must be agreed between two or more parties.

In the case of the TV License the government demands the money from you through the issuance of a contract which they never tell you is a contract. In other words, they act with deceit. Nothing new there then!

However, they can only make that demand if you agree to their terms and conditions by engaging in the contract agreement with them by filling in your details on their contract form. And guess what…. YOU DON’T HAVE TO!

If you do contract then you have to pay, because you’ve agreed to pay.

However, there is a simple way to avoid this deceitful trap conveniently posted through your letterbox.

If you are a new occupier of a property, you’ll get a letter through the door from the TV Licensing authority in whatever jurisdiction you’re in, either from the BBC or RTE addressed to the ‘Legal Occupier’ or equivalent in Ireland.

The way to deal with this is, firstly, not to open the letter and to simply stick a label over the address panel stating in nice bold letters:








You then put it in a post box and it will be returned to them. This will result in further letters, in my case 3, which you simply treat in exactly the same manner, returning them without opening them. I have done this and have now gone full circle whereby I have just received the same style of letter as the first one I received. This seems to follow a 6 month cycle which is the standard letting term here. I guess they’re hoping that a new tennent has now moved in to this address whom they can now attempt to deceive.

If you already have a TV License it will lapse on the anniversary of your previous year’s payment. Regardless of whether your name is on the envelope, you treat it in exactly the same way as above as the TV License is an annual contract.


You have no obligation or liability to pay any fee to the BBC or RTE unless you contract with them.

This is just a small piece of the puzzle in terms of fees and fines the state deceives the public into believing they are liable for. Others include parking fines, speeding fines, non-payment of business rates and other such victimless ‘crimes’ which contravene Common Law.

Under Common Law, the prevailing law of the land in Britain and Ireland, there must be a victim.

In this age of ‘AUSTERITY’, where we’re being told we must cut back on our own essential needs and wants, let me suggest that if the state wants ‘AUSTERITY’, that we give the state ‘AUSTERITY’ on our terms in ways which we can affect them without breaking the law.

Non-payment of the TV License is one such method which all of us should use to keep a little more of our own money for the welfare of our own families instead of feeding fat cat parasitic ‘stars’ and the executives of RTE and the BBC!

Short URL:

Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Uploaded by on 5 Jun 2011


For more news and information, please visit The Centre for Research on Globalization:

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Hempsters: Plant The Seed - trailer

Uploaded by on 2 Jun 2011

~more info: HEMPSTERS: PLANT THE SEED is being released on DVD June 28, 2011.

Directed by: Michael Henning

Hempsters follows seven activists as they fight to legalize industrial hemp in the United States. The plant is used in over 30 countries and is widely known to have numerous environmental benefits, including: less reliance on oil, more efficient use of energy, forest conservation, soil redemption and landfill use reduction. Over 25,000 products can be manufactured using industrial hemp. This is not an alternative, but the solution!

Featured in the film is award-winning actor and well-known hemp and environmental activist, Woody Harrelson, who challenged Kentucky State law when he planted four feral hemp seeds in 1996. His subsequent trial and acquittal brought the issue to the forefront of mainstream media more than ten years ago, but the fight continues on. Other activists featured are: Willie Nelson, Ralph Nader, Merle Haggard, Gatewood Galbraith, Stephan Jenkins and Julia Butterfly Hill.

Starring: Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Ralph Nader

Length: 78 minutes

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Access Sativex

Access sativex

I am pleased to announce that Action4MS and Clear will be launching a joint campaign aimed at looking at and raising awareness of the disparity of prescription of sativex across the country. We aim to organise and help people apply for sativex and will document the results. a logo and facebook page will be up soon.

Sativex is produced by GW pharmaceuticals from whole cannabis plant extract and has been licensed in the UK for spasticy in MS. It is a sublingual spray and was made available in the UK in 2010 and is avalible in spain, canada and several other countries and is pending in many countries worldwide since the Swiss drug Giant Novartis has got involved. Despite passing all safety and efficacy tests proving sativex to be effective in treating spasticity in MS many Primary Health Care trusts across the UK will not fund the Medication, leading to a “post code lottery” type situation. Some of the primany health care trusts say this is for cost reasons with others disputing its effectiveness, some Primaary health care trusts in the midlands have even outright banned Sativex meaning many people are completely denided any acess to the medication at all. The news papers often have stories of people suffering and being denied the option of trying Sativex. but this all begs the question of why a licensed pharmaceutical drug is causing so much controversy???

It all comes down to one reason and one reason alone. The fact That cannabis is used to make sativex. This has lead to the huge cost to produce sativex, as GW had to jump through many hoops just to get Sativex on the market. It has also meant that public opinion and attitudes towards sativex have been undoubtedly swayed due to the years of propaganda that we have had to endure.

Dipite what GW, and now even the MS society are trying to imply, sativex is whole plant extract from cannabis, not just THC and CBD which it says on the bottle. Sativex contains the full range of cannabinoids that the plants it is made from contain, Sativex is cannabis.

For all those diagnosed with MS the beneficial effect of cannabis can be life changing so I would encourage you or anyone with a chronic condition to speak to your health professional about getting prescribed sativex, to anyone that wants to be apart of the campaign please get incontact with me via

Clark French.

WATCH Clark and Cure! + the US Tour!

Still You Believe - Osama & The Bin Ladens

Uploaded by on 13 May 2011

It's all a lie made of nonsense for you to buy
still you believe all of their crap
never suspecting that it's a trap
You're being had, you're being used
it's just a game & you're going to lose.
Still you believe.... still you believe

Everything you need to know about politics in a song you can sing along to!

All Credit to video creator TheSOTTReport
Sub them for excellent news reporting

main news site ~

Also visit to subscribe to The Dot Connector Magazine. It doesn't have any songs in it, but it does have some of the most insightful and challenging articles you are ever going to read!

FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages/video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, POLITICAL, HUMAN RIGHTS, economic, DEMOCRACY, scientific, MORAL, ETHICAL, and SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Into the Dark with danyshine

Uploaded by on 1 Jun 2011

Some more wisdom form the uncommon man. More truth than you will hear on the mainstream media

France stands with Spain in Solidarity

Uploaded by on 2 Jun 2011

Luke Rudkowski reports from the frontlines of the latest protests in Paris, France.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

it's a Dance Revolution, Baby...

Uploaded by on 4 Jun 2011

In Washington DC, hundreds of people have been dancing at the Jefferson Memorial claiming they are exercising their first amendment rights. It comes after last week RT America host Adam Kokesh and four others were arrested by the police for dancing at the same spot.

RT on Facebook:
RT on Twitter:

Why the Marijuana Renaissance Is Here to Stay

By Lester Grinspoon

The following is the text of a speech by Lester Greenspoon, M.D. recently delivered to the 2011 NORML conference.

In 1967, because of my concern about the rapidly growing use of the dangerous drug marijuana, I began my studies of the scientific and medical literature with the goal of providing a reasonably objective summary of the data which underlay its prohibition. Much to my surprise, I found no credible scientific basis for the justification of the prohibition. The assertion that it is a very toxic drug is based on old and new myths. In fact, one of the many exceptional features of this drug is its remarkably limited toxicity. Compared to aspirin, which people are free to purchase and use without the advice or prescription of a physician, cannabis is much safer: there are well over 1000 deaths annually from aspirin in this country alone, whereas there has never been a death anywhere from marijuana. In fact, when cannabis regains its place in the US Pharmacopeia, a status it lost after the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, it will be seen as one of the safest drugs in that compendium. Moreover, it will eventually be hailed as a "wonder drug" just as penicillin was in the 1940s. Penicillin achieved this reputation because it was remarkably non-toxic, it was, once it was produced on an economy of scale, quite inexpensive, and it was effective in the treatment of a variety of infectious diseases. Similarly, cannabis is exceptionally safe, and once freed of the prohibition tariff, will be significantly less expensive than the conventional drugs it replaces while its already impressive medical versatility continues to expand.

Given these characteristics, it should come as no surprise that its use as a medicine is growing exponentially or that individual states have established legislation which makes it possible for patients suffering from a variety of disorders to use the drug legally with a recommendation from a physician. Unfortunately, because each state arrogates the right to define which symptoms and syndromes may be lawfully treated with cannabis, many patients with legitimate claims to the therapeutic usefulness of this plant must continue to use it illegally and therefore endure the extra layer of anxiety imposed by its illegality. California and Colorado are the two states in which the largest number of patients for whom it would be medically useful have the freedom to access it legally. New Jersey is the most restrictive, and I would guess that only a small fraction of the pool of patients who would find marijuana to be as or more useful than the invariably more toxic conventional drugs it will displace will be allowed legal access to it. The framers of the New Jersey legislation may fear what they see as chaos in the distribution of medical marijuana in California and Colorado, a fear born of their concern that the more liberal parameters of medical use adopted in these states have allowed its access to many people who use it for other than strictly medicinal reasons. If this is correct, it is consistent with my view that it will be impossible to realize the full potential of this plant as a medicine, not to speak of the other ways it is useful, in the setting of this destructive prohibition.

Marijuana is here to stay; there can no longer be any doubt that it is not just another transient drug fad. Like alcohol, it has become a part of our culture, a culture which is now trying to find an appropriate social, legal and medical accommodation. We have finally come to realize, after arresting over 21 million marijuana users since the 1960s, most of them young and 90% for mere possession, that "making war" against cannabis doesn't work anymore now than it did for alcohol during the days of the Volstead Act. Many people are expressing their impatience with the federal government's intransigence as it obdurately maintains its position that " marijuana is not a medicine". Thirteen states have now decriminalized marijuana. And, beginning with California in 1996, another 15 states and the District of Columbia have followed suit in allowing patients legal access to marijuana, and others are in the process of enactlng similar legislation. These states are inadvertently constructing a large social experiment in how best to deal with the reinvention of the "cannabis as medicine" phenomenon, while at the same time sending a powerful message to the federal government. Each of these state actions has taken a slice out of the extraordinary popular delusion known as cannabinophobia.

Perhaps in part because so many Americans have discovered for themselves that marihuana is both relatively benign and remarkably useful, moral consensus about the evil of cannabis is becoming uncertain and shallow. The authorities pretend that eliminating cannabis traffic is like eliminating slavery or piracy, or eradicating smallpox or malaria. The official view is that everything possible has to be done to prevent everyone from ever using marihuana, even as a medicine. But there is also an informal lore of marihuana use that is far more tolerant. Many of the millions of cannabis users in this country not only disobey the drug laws but feel a principled lack of respect for them. They do not conceal their bitter resentment of laws that render them criminals. They believe that many people have been deceived by their government, and they have come to doubt that the "authorities" understand much about either the deleterious or the useful properties of the drug. This und him him him him him him him him him him him him him him him him him him ercurrent of ambivalence and resistance in public attitudes towards marihuana laws leaves room for the possibility of change, especially since the costs of prohibition are all so high and rising.

It is also clear that the realities of human need are incompatible with the demand for a legally enforceable distinction between medicine and all other uses of cannabis. Marihuana simply does not conform to the conceptual boundaries established by twentieth-century institutions. It is truly a sui generis substance; is there another non-toxic drug which is capable of heightening many pleasures, has a large and growing number of medical uses and has the potential to enhance some individual capacities? The only workable way of realizing the full potential of this remarkable substance, including its full medical potential, is to free it from the present dual set of regulations - those that control prescription drugs in general and the special criminal laws that control psychoactive substances. These mutually reinforcing laws establish a set of social categories that strangle its uniquely multifaceted potential. The only way out is to cut the knot by giving marihuana the same status as alcohol - legalizing it for adults for all uses and removing it entirely from the medical and criminal control systems.

Lester Grinspoon M.D. is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, emeritus, at Harvard Medical School and the author of Marihuana Reconsidered and Marijuana, the Forbidden Medicine.

Cell Phones, Cancer, and You

Cell phone health risks—we told you earlier

Ok, today the mainstream, corporate-owned media covers new evidence that cell phones represent serious health risks—because a huge, lumbering mainstream international organization has finally, cautiously, weighed in (and despite another, much smaller, and more specialized international organization having weighed in years ago):

Here’s CNN:

Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established.

A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” ….

Of course, if you’ve been visiting WhoWhatWhy (or happened to read GQ of all things), you already knew about this 16 months ago. And you knew the risks are far greater and broader.

Here are a few snippets:

It’s hard to talk about the dangers of cell-phone radiation without sounding like a conspiracy theorist. This is especially true in the United States, where non-industry-funded studies are rare, where legislation protecting the wireless industry from legal challenges has long been in place, and where our lives have been so thoroughly integrated with wireless technology that to suggest it might be a problem-maybe, eventually, a very big public-health problem-is like saying our shoes might be killing us. Except our shoes don’t send microwaves directly into our brains. And cell phones do-a fact that has increasingly alarmed the rest of the world….

Though the scientific debate is heated and far from resolved, there are multiple reports, mostly out of Europe’s premier research institutions, of cell-phone and PDA use being linked to “brain aging,” brain damage, early-onset Alz­heimer’s, senility, DNA damage, and even sperm die-offs (many men, after all, keep their cell phones in their pants pockets or attached at the hip). In September 2007, the European Union’s environmental watchdog, the European Environment Agency, warned that cell-phone technology “could lead to a health crisis similar to those caused by asbestos, smoking, and lead in petrol.”

Perhaps most worrisome, though, are the preliminary results of the multinational Interphone study sponsored by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in Lyon, France. (Scientists from thirteen countries took part in the study, the United States conspicuously not among them.) Interphone researchers reported in 2008 that after a decade of cell-phone use, the chance of getting a brain tumor-specifically on the side of the head where you use the phone-goes up as much as 40 percent for adults. Interphone researchers in Israel have found that cell phones can cause tumors of the parotid gland (the salivary gland in the cheek), and an independent study in Sweden last year concluded that people who started using a cell phone before the age of 20 were five times as likely to develop a brain tumor. Another Interphone study reported a nearly 300 percent increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the acoustic nerve.

You can read more about the World Health Organization’s analysis here.

Once again, it has taken a very, very long time for some urgently important information to be addressed, however tepidly, by the establishment in a way that it can be shared by the big corporate media with the people. Hence, for the public at large to learn of this hazard.

That’s why we started WhoWhatWhy. Because we know that if risk-averse corporate news organizations are reticent to talk about consumer devices from a single albeit powerful industry, just imagine what they won’t tell you about our political systems, or our planet.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Lockheed Martin’s False Flag Hack Attack

editorial by Tony Cartalucci

Bangkok, Thailand May 31, 2011 – Lockheed Martin has claimed, and the US Department of Defense has confirmed, that the megalithic defense contractor has suffered a “cyber incident.” Lockheed Martin is claimed to be a defense contractor American national security depends on. If this private corporation really is bestowed with such a grave responsibility and it was incompetent enough to put sensitive information and systems onto the public Internet, it should immediately have such responsibilities stripped away and perhaps undergo a vigorous investigation in regards to its criminal negligence in handling sensitive state secrets. At the very least, all contracts should be canceled and new contractors immediately found – ones capable of isolating sensitive information from the public Internet.

Instead, the war profiteering corporation and the extralegal, extraterritorial global corporate-financier steering committees it is a member of, are using the attack to add to the growing call to institute increasing control over the Internet. It is yet another suspicious incident that has corporate-funded pundits calling for increased “cyber security” and lending further justification for the completely unjustified existence of government agencies like the “Department of Homeland Security.”

Our politicians then parrot verbatim the think-tanks and their corporate media talking points declaring that cyber security must take center stage – not the gross incompetence of corporations that have uncontested, undue access and influence over the American tax payers’ money. The next step will be increased legislation giving the government and their corporate handlers more control over how the public uses the Internet – all based on and citing incidents like Lockheed Martin’s recent cyber security breach.

Defying Common Sense

Even on a personal level, private, confidential information is safest when it is kept solely on a closed system, disconnected from the Internet. Any information put on the Internet must be assumed to be at potential risk and suitable contingencies must be put in place to deal with that information falling into the wrong hands. If that information must absolutely not fall into the wrong hands, it must then be entirely isolated from the Internet.

Scientists who worked on America’s most sensitive defense projects historically would live and work sequestered at research facilities. They would not bring their briefcases full of national secrets to the local cafe, ride the city buses, nor talk about such information on public telephone networks. It is hard to believe that today, such corporations, many born from these WWII and Cold War defense projects, have suddenly forgotten the value of closed, controlled systems where secret research and sensitive projects are isolated from the public in all manners.

A documentary covering the Manhattan Project. Starting at 24:45, security regarding
the secret project is discussed.

The recent “hack” then is the result of at least two possibilities. First, it may be yet another attempt to scare the ignorant, uneducated masses into giving up more of their freedom and liberty for the sake of “security.” “Security” being just a pretense for handing the corporate-financier elite yet another monopoly. If this is not an orchestrated event, it may just be utter incompetence. Either way, corporations like Lockheed Martin, the politicians whose leashes they hold, and the media machines that manage the public for them have outlived their usefulness. They have become as great a threat to our nation as any external enemy, either out of incompetence or unmitigated avarice.

It is time America replaced these aged, embedded parasites, obstacles of progress, sponges soaking up the brightest talent the nation has to offer and wringing it out into buckets of greedy, stagnant muck. Their missiles, warplanes, and ships are most certainly impressive, unrivaled even. But the price we have paid to procure this achievement is subservience to a despotic corporate-financier elite that has permeated and infected our government on all levels, as bad or worse than any invading foreign power could ever hope to achieve.

There may be the argument that no other corporation can do what Lockheed, or other parasitic war profiteering corporations like Boeing, Northrop, or Raytheon can do. Certainly this may be the case, but we must ask ourselves why our nation, with its vast resources, doesn’t turn out annual graduate classes full of engineers, designers, rocket and nuclear scientists all capable of meeting local and national needs both civilian and military in nature. It is because the global elite have created a system so interdependent and monopolized on a global scale that only those that control it (them) can manage it and excel within it.

Americans like President Dwight Eisenhower or General Smedley Butler warned us long ago that the blurring line between corporatism and the American government was a grave threat to our nation’s future. Decades later, with the nation under astronomical, mathematically inescapable debt, endless war, rotting infrastructure, and a sabotaged education system, is there any doubt that their warnings should have been heeded? Can we still heed them? We can and we must.

Throw off these corporations by boycotting and replacing them. For corporations like Lockheed Martin who we are told we “depend” on and cannot live without, their incompetence/conspiring as they bleed the American nation dry negates any benefit they supposedly grant us. In actuality, we cannot survive their continued existence.

For ways to battle the globalists by achieving self-sufficiency and freedom through independence please read on:

Destroying the Globalists
Alternative Economics
The Lost Key to Real Revolution
Boycott the Globalists
Naming Names: Your Real Government

Global Dance for Freedom! ~ Saturday, June 4, 2011

Uploaded by on 30 May 2011

Dance with us wherever you are! 12:00 noon Eastern for as long as you care to! Join the event on facebook! Just search for the National Dance Party for Thomas Jefferson. Join us!!