Wednesday, 22 December 2010

An Eclipse Kiss like No Other by VerDarLuz

The Eclipses of late 2010 and 2011 will affect the Galactic Center, preparing us for embarking on a "Galactocentric Consciousness." The Lunar Eclipse not only kisses the Galactic Center, but it aspects every other planet in the Solar system, while occurring on the Winter Solstice. If that weren’t enough, this massive dynamo of an eclipse will be visible throughout the Northern Hemisphere beginning at 10pm Pacific time. This phenomenon is special to behold since as the earth obscures the Sun, the full white moon shapeshifts its glow into an eerie amber red. The last time I witnessed this was the first night at Burning Man 2007, the night some rogue lunatic warrior torched the wooden Man.

I will speak at length about the nature of eclipses and the potency of this one in particular as well as to communicate some very important information about the The Dragons’ Head and Tail, and the mythology of the Galactic Center.

The Purpose of Eclipses: The Dragon's Head and Tail

Technically, the nodes of the moon are the place where the Moon’s orbit intersects the path of the Sun. Where the Moon crosses the Sun going upward is the ascending point called the North Node, while the Moon descending is moving south of the Sun, and so is called the South Node. Because the Sun is the heart of the solar system and our personal vitality and life force, and the Moon is the waxing and waning of our emotions and our instinctual reactions and needs, the darkening of one of these primary luminaries has always foretold major personal and collective transformations.

As many of us are aware, the heroic quest culminates with the mythical "slaying of the dragon." In astrology, the dragon is associated with Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of the Moon, which are the dragon's head and tail. In Alchemy, the "slaying of the Dragon" was a metaphor for the Great Work: the shaman-alchemist’s heroic battle with the slippery serpentine forces of the unconscious. One's heroic duty involves confronting the shadow forces and transcending their vicious-circle tendencies.


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