Friday 20 May 2011

RCA: UNCAT in the UK!

RESIST CARDIAC ARREST challenges the Prime Minister, the Attorney General, 2 MP’s, IPCC, a Chief Constable, a Police Authority & a Superintendent on UN Convention Against Torture. The UNCAT is a body of legislation supposed to prevent acts of torture in civilized countries, but years after the UN defined taser use as torture, teenagers are still being electrocuted in the street – WHILST HANDCUFFED – ‘The Limpet’ asks WHY??

This issue is dedicated to the memory of Roger Holyfield of Illinois, aged 17, tasered to Death by ‘police’ for waving a Bible around in the street on the eve of his Baptism. Also dedicated to Brett Elder of Michigan, aged 15, and all the other teenagers murdered by thug cops with cattle prods

As the signs around Jerseyville say, "Jesus saves. Tasers kill. We love you Roger."


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