Friday, 18 November 2011

BBC drops Frozen Planet’s climate change episode to sell show better abroad

The BBC has dropped a climate change episode from its wildlife series Frozen Planet to help the show sell better abroad.

The Telegraph
15 Nov 2011

British viewers will see seven episodes, the last of which deals with global warming and the threat to the natural world posed by man.

However, viewers in other countries, including the United States, will only see six episodes.

The environmental programme has been relegated by the BBC to an “optional extra” alongside a behind-the-scenes documentary which foreign networks can ignore.

Campaigners said the decision not to incorporate the episode on global warming as part of the main package was “unhelpful”.

They added that it would allow those countries which are sceptical of climate change to “censor” the issue.

Read more: BBC drops Frozen Planet’s climate change episode to sell show better abroad

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