Friday 21 May 2010

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Here is the Divine Triangle! That’s what mathematicians call it. The pure golden ratio, the one-fifth angle!

This triangle side divided by its base length equals phi the golden ratio, 1.618.... Its two base angles are 72 degrees. The golden ratio has long been associated by philosophers with beauty, and the Circlemakers have surely managed that here; and also, come up with the bright idea of putting a circle at the top whose diameter is equal to its base.... Five lines touch the base of the triangle, and then in the circle above a set of five lines cover the top angle of 36 degrees. This is a pentagram-type motif.

Nicholas Kollerstrom

It occurs to me that most essential to the design is an eye peeping through a key hole. It can only mean "suspicion". From such a terrible mental condition/position its quite impossible to oversee a wider perspective. Mistrust means not seeing clearly. It usually leads to obstruction, conflict and other difficulties in life. I can imagine the confrontation with this theme will help to mirror our selves. In other words, to see if there's (still) mistrust within our selves that could be the cause of any trouble.Who ever made this formation, hoaxers or not, I appreciate their work a lot.


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