...no longer with us on this journey, Hamish Miller passed on last week leaving us to continue the groundbreaking work into earth energies sparked by his first meeting with the management related here...
...here Hamish talks about parallel communities...
...and finally, here's a candid chat with Hamish on esotericonlineradio...
It is with deep sadness and regret that we inform you that Hamish Miller died 25th January. He passed over peacefully and happily at home after a gentle and joyful beloved Burn's Night with his wife Ba.
There will be a small private funeral for the family. We are invited to join in spirit by lighting a candle for Hamish and his vision and we will email again when we know the date and the time. Then the Parallel Community Open Day on the 8th May at Treviscoe will be a Celebration of Hamish to which we hope as many as possible will be able to come.
Hamish's vision was great and his desire passionate for everyone to come together, envision and build a kinder world based on mutal trust, respect and love for each other and our beautiful planet.
May we each smile more warmly at everyone we meet today and, in honour of a remarkable man, build our energy towards all that Parallel Community stands for...and now take that energy forwards; the best thing we can do as we grieve his passing. Hamish gave us something of the utmost importance and we owe it to ourselves and our planet to heal our own vision and act on it.
Please bear with us about any emails awaiting a reply or book orders and so forth.
Please do go to The Meeting Place on the PC website and share your thoughts and feelings together.
Warmest blessings to you all.
The Parallel Community Team...
Fakeologist and Tina Foster discuss Paul is Dead (PID) 12/1/2024
FAK987-Tina Foster Paul is Dead
The Fakeologist and Tina Foster discuss Paul McCartney is Dead (PID) and
the global communist NWO agenda.
Recorded D...
5 weeks ago
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