...Cynthia McKinney was the first woman to be elected to represent a congressional district in Georgia. She was first elected as a member of the U.S. Congress in 1993 and she served 10 years. She was defeated when she started to question America's blind obedience to Israel's selfish, self-centered policies and Israel’s costly (to American taxpayers) occupation of Palestinian lands. She came back and was re-elected in 2005 only to be targeted in a hate-campaign led by Israel's rightwing extremist supporters right here in the United States....
***McKinney speaks fron israeli jail - Day 2***
...So McKinney joins a group and sales to the Gaza Strip on a boat filled not with weapons, but medicine and food and clothing -- not just for the adults but for the hundreds of thousands of children being starved to death in Gaza -- which Israel controls like a prison tighter than Guantanamo was ever managed by the terrorist organization Black Water and their robber barons at Dick Cheney's Halliburton...
...And just to show how un-free the people of Gaza are, Israel's military surrounded the ship -- like the Somali pirates who attack ships in the Gulf of Aden -- illegally boarded the ship (I thought the people of Gaza were "free?") and arrested McKinney, holding an American citizen hostage...
...according to the pro-Israel newspaper The Washington Post, Israel's Ambassador in Atlanta justified the action because McKinney was engaged in a "reckless political stunt."
Since when are "reckless political stunts" illegal?
Well, as long as Israel's government responds with "some kind of answer," that's good enough for the lapdogs in mainstream American journalism to swallow, those few that have even written about this. Incredible that so few news media in this country are covering the story. (And you want to know why the mainstream American media is collapsing faster than a house of cards in a hurricane.)...
Fakeologist and Tina Foster discuss Paul is Dead (PID) 12/1/2024
FAK987-Tina Foster Paul is Dead
The Fakeologist and Tina Foster discuss Paul McCartney is Dead (PID) and
the global communist NWO agenda.
Recorded D...
1 month ago
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