A message to the world wide Resistance against Tyrannies and Dictatorships.
Philip Brennan | PhilipBrennan.net | 11 February 2011:
To the Resistance world-wide:
To all those of good will from around the world who have helped spread the word about Egypt and helped in her Emancipation:
Celebrate tonight the emancipation of Egypt with her sons and her daughters. Remember her Martyrs, for their blood was not spilled in vain. They are proud of their compatriots who have endured to the end.
We, the People of Good Conscience of this world declare that tomorrow we shall don our armour again in the fight for the Emancipation of the rest of the countries of the Maghreb. The fires of freedom have been lit in the hearts of men and women and children all over the region, and while it is burning brightest, NOW is the time to offer our support and skills to these very same people.
To Egypt and Tunisia:
Meanwhile we will offer our support to both Egypt and Tunisia as they rebuild their nations and create free and fair societies. The first battle has been won - the toppling of former Regimes. The new battle is here - the building of free and fair societies.
I give you my blessings in the name of the Most High God, and trust that we shall see a free and fair society throughout all the countries of the world, starting with the Maghreb, and spreading out to the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, the Communitarian European Union Dictatorship, Asia, Australasia, and the Americas.
So celebrate tonight, but tomorrow, we have got work to do...
To the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
We know the crimes you have committed against We the People. We know about all the paedophiles being hidden and protected within Parliament and the greater British Royal Establishment. We know about the High Treason being committed against us in both the houses of Commons and Lords, and we give you this warning:
We shall remove you from power peacefully but forcefully, and we shall put you all on trial for High Treason against We the People. Those who we know to be predatory paedophiles within Parliament we shall put on trial - those who were named in Operation Ore before Tony Blair put the whole investigation under the Official Secrets Act, and those who were involved in the cover up of the Dunblane Massacre - where members of the Scottish Establishment Paedophile Elite were abusing the kids that they sent Thomas Hamilton to liquidate before they could talk.
To all the corrupt police commissioners and judges we give this warning: You have withheld justice from We the People for far too long. Your "justice" is no justice at all when the innocent can be imprisoned if they are poor, and the guilty can get away with their crimes if they are rich. You have covered up for the criminals in Parliament for far too long, and their blood-guilt is also upon your hands. We the People shall have a reckoning with you, and you shall be removed from office peacefully. Those who are guilty of Perverting the Course of Justice shall likewise be put on trial for their crimes against We the People.
To Common Purpose, Demos and the Fabian Society: We know who you work for, and we know how many criminals you hide within your midst. You are traitors to We the People of Great Britain, a fifth column sent to lead us into the Communitarian European Union Dictatorship. We shall put you all on trial for High Treason.
To the Royal Family: When we have had our revolution, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall become the United Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We have had enough of your crimes, and we shall no longer serve you or obey you. You have used us and enslaved us for far too long, sending us into illegal wars of trade in order to make as much wealth as possible with our blood. We know that both the First and Second World Wars were decided upon and planned by the Royal Establishments of Europe many years before they happened, and that the European Secret Services were used to bring the conditions for world war in place.
To the Communitarian European Union Dictatorship:
We the People of Great Britain want nothing to do with you. You are illegitimate, illegal, and unconstitutional under the 1215 Magna Carta and the 1689 Bill of Rights. The Queen did not have the authority to sign those six European Union treaties without our consent under our constitution as enumerated by the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1689 Bill of Rights, and the 1700 Act of Settlement. Therefore, Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth the Second, has committed six separate acts of High Treason against We the People, and your power over Great Britain is illegitimate and illegal under the Common Law of this land.
We order that all edifices of the European Union be removed from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland immediately, or you shall be removed by force. If you do not leave our country peacefully and of your own volition, then We the People, once we have regained control of our government from the Royal Family and the International Banking Cartel, shall declare War against the Communitarian European Union Dictatorship.
You have been given fair notice and warning.
To the People of Great Britain:
Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many - they are few
Percy Bysshe Shelly
It is time to take our country back from all the criminals who have taken control of our once great nation. So now is the time for peaceful revolution, for national strikes to cripple our criminal government and acts of mass civil disobedience. They cannot kill us all, and those who do die shall be martyrs.
Let no violence come first from our hands, but be blameless so that the world may see that, with Egypt and Tunisia, we too in the west are perfectly capable of toppling our criminal governments without bloodshed on our part.
The time for open Lawful Rebellion, as is our right under Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta, has come.
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